Κυριακή 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

Greek Yachting Association 1st Annual General Assembly Meeting

gyaΤhe Greek Yachting Association (GYA) held its annual General Assembly Meeting (GAM) for 2014 on Wednesday December 17th, 2014 at the Yacht Club of Greece in Pireaus Mikrolimano. Individual members, representatives from domestic and international companies, Greek government officials, as well as officials and representatives from the yachting sector attended the GYA General Assembly.

GAM 2014 began with opening and welcoming remarks of GYA Board President, Mr. Michael Skoulikidis. He concluded his remarks by reading names of MEDYS corporate sponsors in 2014 and thanking GYA Members and Sponsors for their support and financial contributions. He presented GYA'S Annual Report and reviewed the achievements, activities and events of the Association from 2013 to the end of 2014. Following GYA President's report, the Τreasurer of the Greek Yachting Association presented the Treasurer 's Report which reflected GYA's growth and financial activity of the year.

Subsequently the closure of the General Assembly Meeting  the Greek Yachting Association hosted a dinner In honour of the participants.
The General Assembly provided the opportunity to meet with other partners, to exchange ideas and to discuss all aspects of the industry. The GYA General Assembly hopes to inspire the next generation of future yacht charter brokers to become leaders and advocates through exchange of ideas, networking and learning from the various programming sessions.

Τετάρτη 19 Νοεμβρίου 2014

Νέες Θέσεις Εργασίας δημιουργεί η Συνεργασία του Ομίλου Ρέστη με το κορυφαίο Ιταλικό Ναυπηγείο Benetti

F2 20-platosrestisΣε επενδύσεις που δημιουργούν νέα προοπτική στην Ελληνική ναυπηγοεπισκευή, στην ανάπτυξη του yachting, στη δημιουργία θέσεων εργασίας και στην αύξηση των δημοσίων εσόδων προχωράει ο όμιλος Ρέστη.
Σε μια χρονική περίοδο κατά την οποία αναζητούνται ιδιωτικά κεφάλαια που θα επενδυθούν στη χώρα, ο κ. Βίκτωρας Ρέστης, μέσω της θυγατρικής του ομίλου του, της Ελληνικά Ναυπηγεία Περάματος, υπέγραψε μια σημαντική συμφωνία συνεργασίας με τον ιταλικό όμιλο Benetti, ο οποίος διαθέτει τα καλύτερα ναυπηγεία παγκοσμίως για τον σχεδιασμό και την κατασκευή πολυτελών σκαφών αναψυχής, των λεγόμενων mega yachts, καθώς και με την εταιρεία Lusben, θυγατρική της Benetti, εξειδικευμένη στις επισκευές και μετατροπές σκαφών αναψυχής. Ο ιταλικός όμιλος, με 140 χρόνια ιστορία στον κλάδο, έχει ναυπηγήσει περισσότερα από 300 πολυτελή σκάφη. Διαθέτει έξι ναυπηγεία σε εκτάσεις που συνολικά καλύπτουν 300.000 τετραγωνικά μέτρα, ενώ έχει υπό ναυπήγηση 36 σκάφη, εκ των οποίων ένα έχει μήκος 90 μέτρα. Επί 10 συναπτά έτη βραβεύεται ως η καλύτερη εταιρεία στον κόσμο για τον κλάδο κατασκευής mega yachts.
Η εταιρεία του κ. Ρέστη θα εκπροσωπεί τους Ιταλούς στην Ανατολική Μεσόγειο. Στα ναυπηγεία του Περάματος θα γίνονται επισκευές και συντήρηση των υπερπολυτελών θαλαμηγών, ενώ θα δοθεί βαρύτητα και στις ναυπηγήσεις.
 Πρόκειται για μια επιχειρηματική κίνηση η οποία θα προσφέρει θέσεις εργασίας, αφού θα αυξηθεί σημαντικά το έργο της, ενώ θα επενδυθούν εκατομμύρια ευρώ για νέο τεχνολογικό εξοπλισμό. Στα σχέδια του Ελληνα πλοιοκτήτη περιλαμβάνεται και η κατασκευή ειδικού υπόστεγου μέσα στο οποίο θα κατασκευάζονται τα υπερπολυτελή σκάφη.
Παράλληλα, η συμφωνία αυτή θα συμβάλει στην προσέλκυση στις ελληνικές θάλασσες των υπερπολυτελών θαλαμηγών που ανήκουν σε κροίσους επιχειρηματίες, οι οποίοι μέχρι τώρα προτιμούσαν να ελλιμενίζουν τα πλωτά παλάτια τους σε Γαλλία και Ιταλία. Ο λόγος που δεν επέλεγαν την Ελλάδα ήταν επειδή δεν υπήρχε παροχή υπηρεσιών για συντήρηση και κάλυψη όλων των αναγκών για τα συγκεκριμένου τύπου σκάφη, κάτι που πλέον αλλάζει.
Η προσέλκυση όλο και περισσότερων mega yachts από το εξωτερικό στο απέραντο ελληνικό γαλάζιο με τους βαθύπλουτους επιβάτες τους θα αποτελέσει δυνατή οικονομική ανάσα σε μια αλυσίδα επαγγελματιών που ασχολούνται με τον κλάδο, αλλά και τις τοπικές κοινωνίες. Στα Ελληνικά Ναυπηγεία Περάματος κατασκευάζεται αυτή την εποχή ένα 65μετρο γιοτ για λογαριασμό πρίγκιπα από το Αμπού Ντάμπι, ο οποίος είναι ξάδελφος του σεΐχη Μανσούρ μπιν Ζαγιέντ, ιδιοκτήτη της ποδοσφαιρικής ομάδας της Μάντσεστερ Σίτι, αλλά και της υπερθαλαμηγού «Topaz» που φιλοξενείται στο λιμάνι του Πειραιά εντυπωσιάζοντας με τον όγκο και την πολυτέλειά της. Είναι αξιοσημείωτο ότι ο Αραβας προτιμάει να δίνει δουλειά σε Ελληνες. Το μήκος της θαλαμηγού, που ναυπηγήθηκε το 2012, φτάνει τα 147 μέτρα και υπολογίζεται ότι κόστισε στον σεΐχη κάτι παραπάνω από 400 εκατ. ευρώ.
Σε αυτή την αγορά στοχεύει η ελληνική κυβέρνηση, η οποία με επιχειρηματικές ενέργειες όπως αυτή του κ. Ρέστη αναθαρρεί και ελπίζει σε καλύτερες ημέρες για τον κλάδο του θαλάσσιου τουρισμού. Η συμφωνία υπογράφτηκε την περασμένη Τετάρτη στο υπουργείο Ναυτιλίας και Αιγαίου παρουσία του υπουργού Μιλτιάδη Βαρβιτσιώτη, επί θητείας του οποίου πέρασε ο πολυπόθητος νόμος για την ενίσχυση και ανάπτυξη του θαλάσσιου τουρισμού. Ο κ. Ρέστης μετά τις υπογραφές εξέφρασε την πεποίθησή του ότι στην ελληνική αγορά δημιουργούνται ευκαιρίες και νέες προκλήσεις για επενδύσεις, ενώ υπογράμμισε ότι πιστεύει στα νέα παιδιά, τα οποία, όπως είπε, «έχουν πλούσια επαγγελματικά προσόντα και μπορούν να αντεπεξέλθουν στις σύγχρονες επιχειρηματικές προκλήσεις, αρκεί να τους δοθεί η ευκαιρία. Και αυτή μπορεί να δημιουργηθεί μόνο με στρατηγικές επενδύσεις».
Βάσει μελετών, κάθε σκάφος δημιουργεί 1,17 άμεσες θέσεις εργασίας και 9 έμμεσες στην τοπική οικονομία, ενώ εκτιμάται ότι περίπου 40.000 άτομα απασχολούνται στον κλάδο. Επίσης, κάθε τουρίστας που ξοδεύει 100 ευρώ σε μια μαρίνα ξοδεύει επιπλέον 450 στην τοπική οικονομία, ενώ για κάθε 1 ευρώ άμεσων επενδύσεων σε μαρίνα δημιουργείται 1,5 ευρώ άμεσης οικονομικής δραστηριότητας σε αυτήν και 6,84 ευρώ έμμεσης οικονομικής δραστηριότητας στην τοπική οικονομία. Ο δε υπουργός Ναυτιλίας και Αιγαίου τόνισε ότι προσωπικός του στόχος είναι η Ελλάδα να καταστεί παγκόσμιος παράδεισος του yachting και σε αυτή την κατεύθυνση εργάστηκε και έφερε το νομοσχέδιο για τη δημιουργία ενός ελκυστικού περιβάλλοντος για τα σκάφη αναψυχής - και ιδίως τα προερχόμενα από ξένες χώρες.

«Καταργήσαμε γραφειοκρατικές ρυθμίσεις που εμπόδιζαν την ανάπτυξη του yachting και τολμήσαμε αλλαγές που μέχρι πριν από λίγα χρόνια φαινόντουσαν απίθανες. Φέτος είδαμε μια σπουδαία αύξηση στα mega yachts», είπε.

Σύμφωνα με εκτιμήσεις της αγοράς, το 2014 παρουσιάστηκε αύξηση στο yachting. Το μεγαλύτερο ποσοστό σημειώθηκε στα mega yachts που ξεπερνούν τα 30 μέτρα και συνήθως χαρακτηρίζονται για την πολυτέλειά τους, πλησιάζοντας το 35%. Επίσης, αξιοσημείωτη αύξηση -διψήφιο νούμερο- παρουσιάζει η χρήση των ιστιοπλοϊκών και των catamaran, ενώ τα σκάφη που φτάνουν τα 12 μέτρα σημείωσαν μικρή αύξηση - έως 5%. Για το yachting φέτος ήταν μια χρονιά αισιοδοξίας μετά τα πέντε προηγούμενα χρόνια, όπου ο κλάδος είχε γνωρίσει καθίζηση. Το 2015 δείχνει προοπτική αύξησης για την επόμενη χρονιά, πολλαπλασιάζοντας τα θετικά νέα για την αγορά του θαλάσσιου τουρισμού.

Ο νόμος που θεσπίστηκε από τον υπουργό Ναυτιλίας και Αιγαίου συνέβαλε σε αυτή την ανάπτυξη του κλάδου, καθώς καθιέρωσε πολλές καινοτομίες που, σύμφωνα με τους αναλυτές της αγοράς, έδωσαν απάντηση σε χρόνια προβλήματα, όπως η γραφειοκρατία και η μη εναρμόνιση του ελληνικού νομοθετικού πλαισίου με τη σύγχρονη διεθνή πραγματικότητα για το yachting.

Διατάξεις όπως ο εξορθολογισμός της απαίτησης εκτέλεσης ελάχιστων ημερών ναύλωσης ανάλογα με την ηλικία του πλοίου, η αναστολή της υποχρέωσης εκτέλεσης ελάχιστων ημερών ναύλωσης για το διάστημα που τα πλοία αναψυχής είναι παροπλισμένα ή κατασχεμένα, επέκταση, υπό προϋποθέσεις, του δικαιώματος ναύλωσης πλοίων αναψυχής με μη κοινοτική σημαία, η παροχή αδείας να ναυλώνονται χωρίς πλοίαρχο και πλήρωμα πλοία αναψυχής μήκους έως 24 μέτρα από 20 μέτρα που ήταν παλιά, όπως ισχύει και σε άλλες χώρες της Ε.Ε., η παροχή δυνατότητας ναύλωσης σε πλοία με μεταφορική ικανότητα ως 99 επιβατών, η κατάργηση του παράβολου των 0,88 ευρώ για: α) λήψη άδειας απόπλου και β) λήψη άδειας καθέλκυσης - ανέλκυσης, ο περιορισμός της υποχρέωσης εκτέλεσης ελάχιστων ημερών ναύλωσης σε όσα επαγγελματικά πλοία αναψυχής έχουν απαλλαγεί από τον ΦΠΑ κατά την εισαγωγή τους, η κατάργηση της απαγόρευσης επιβίβασης σε επαγγελματικό πλοίο αναψυχής προσώπων που δεν είναι εξαρχής δηλωμένα στο ναυλοσύμφωνο και η άρση των περιορισμών ιδιοχρησίας του επαγγελματικού πλοίου αναψυχής όταν αυτό δεν εκτελεί ναυλώσεις περιλαμβάνονται στον συγκεκριμένο νόμο.

Κομβική καινοτομία για την αγορά αποτέλεσε η ελαχιστοποίηση των περιπτώσεων στις οποίες είναι υποχρεωτική η λήψη απόπλου και η δήλωση κατάπλου.
Πηγή: protothema.gr
Πάντως σήμερα λάβαμε το ακόλουθο Δελτίο Τύπου από τον 'Ομιλο Benetti το οποίο και δημοσιεύουμε αυτούσιο.

Με αφορμή ανυπόστατα δημοσιεύματα στον ελληνικό Τύπο και ηλεκτρονικά Μέσα, ο Oμιλος Benetti ανακοινώνει πως οποιαδήποτε συμφωνία ή συμβόλαιο συνεργασίας με ναυπηγείο ή εταιρεία στην Ελλάδα δεν ισχύει. Προς αποκατατάστηση της πραγματικότητας, το ναυπηγείο LUSBEN το οποίο αποτελεί μια από τις θυγατρικές εταιρείες του Ομίλου Azimut|Benetti προχώρησε σε υπογραφή συμβολαίου με ελληνική εταιρεία προκειμένου να προσφέρει σε συνεργασία υπηρεσίες Επισκευής, Μετατροπής και Ανακατασκυής (refit) σε πολυτελείς Θαλαμηγούς τύπου Mega Yachts (σκάφη αναψυχής άνω των 30 μέτρων).

Σχετικά με την Benetti

Η Benetti αποτελεί ένα εμβληματικό ναυπηγείο με τον υψηλότερο ρυθμό ανάπτυξης παγκοσμίως στη κατασκευή Mega Yachts. Αναπαριστά ένα σύμβολο για το Ναυπηγικό στερέωμα

• Με έτος ίδρυσης το 1873, η Benetti είναι το παλαιότερο Ιταλικό ναυπηγείο κατασκευής πολυτελών μηχανοκίνητων σκαφών.

• Κάθε σκάφος της Benetti είναι μοναδικό, και σχεδιασμένο σύμφωνα με τις απαιτήσεις του ιδιοκτήτη.

• Η Benetti σχεδιάζει και κατασκευάζει δύο σειρές σκαφών (Class). Class Range - περιλαμβάνει σκάφη εκτοπίσματος (Displacement & Fast Displacement) με μήκος από 93 έως 145 πόδια και Custom, σκάφη από χάλυβα και αλουμίνιο με μήκος άνω των 45 μέτρων.

• Το Γραφεία Διοίκησης βρίσκονται στο Viareggo. Διαθέτει γραφεία πωλήσεων και τεχνικής υποστήριξης στο Fort Lauderdale, Dubai και στο Hong Kong.

• H Benetti ανήκει στον Ομιλο Azimut|Benetti, τον μεγαλύτερο ιδιωτικό Όμιλο στην ναυπηγική βιομηχανία παγκοσμίως

Σάββατο 27 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

The Monaco Yacht Show Awards opened the 2014 ceremony

The Monaco Yacht Show Awards opened the 2014 ceremony

award-ceremony-9small-thumbThe Monaco Yacht Show is the most prestigious yachting event in the world what higher acclaim is there to be recognised by the show, the media and the industry as one of the best of the best during the first ever Monaco Yacht Show Awards.
Taking place at the brand-new Monaco Yacht Club the evening before the 24th edition of the show begins, the MYS Award ceremony welcomed the industry to cocktails, canapés and high hopes for such mantles as Best Interior, Best Exterior and Best in Show.
Given the high percentage of brand-new yachts launched in 2014 here at the show, each nomination was selected from the 40 new builds here at the show, and the inventory was nothing short of spectacular.

Among nominees were Como, Entourage, Equanimity, Grace E, Polaris or Solandge.
The ceremony began with Gaelle Tallarida, show Managing Director, welcoming the industry representatives to the 24th edition of the Monaco Yacht Show, a short speech from the Minister and an honourable award which was given to the new construction project Yersin - built by a resident Monaco owner. Yersin will be used for the scientific and environmental researches led by the A.S.E. project (Adventure – Science – Education).
After this it was time for the Best Interior, which was given to the brand-new Perini Navi motor yacht Grace E. This 73 metre yacht was built from Perini Navi's Picchiotti range and features close collaboration with Remi Tessier.
The Best Exterior was given to Solandge, an 85.5m Lurssen motor yacht with subtle lines and an unforgettable profile by Espen Oeino.
However, after these two prestigious awards were given - it was time to learn of the Best in Show. This award for the best overall yacht launched within the last two years at the show went to the brand-new 91.5 metre superyacht Equanimity - built by the revered Oceanco yard.
The ceremony ended with the RINA Green Plus Yacht Award given to the M/Y Entourage, for her construction respectful of the environmental standards set by the Italian classification company RINA.
The 24th edition of the show has shown clear signs of the exhibit's evolution, and for a shipyard or designer to be given even further recognition by this institution is a clear victory for those involved.

Τρίτη 24 Ιουνίου 2014

Συνέντευξη του κου Θρασύβουλου Κανάρη στο "Πρώτο ΘΕΜΑ"

Συνέντευξη του κου Θρασύβουλου Κανάρη στο "Πρώτο ΘΕΜΑ"

kanaris themaΑκολουθώντας την παράδοση που θέλει όλα τα μέλη της οικογένειας να αναπτύσσουν ισχυρούς δεσμούς με τη θάλασσα, ο απόγονος του αγωνιστή Κωνσταντίνου Κανάρη θεωρείται ο άνθρωπος-κλειδί στις ναυλώσεις και τη διαχείριση πολυτελών σκαφών.
Με την εταιρεία του να κατατάσσεται στις κορυφαίες του είδους και με πελάτες κοσμοπολίτες του διεθνούς τζετ σετ, ο σύγχρονος Κανάρης χαράζει σταθερά ανοδική πορεία στο yachting διαφημίζοντας τις ελληνικές θάλασσες στα πέρατα του κόσμου 

Γεννήθηκε σε μια οικογένεια που λόγω ονόματος κουβαλούσε έντονα την Ιστορία του τόπου μας. «Ο πυρπολητής, μετέπειτα υπουργός Ναυτιλίας και πέντε φορές πρωθυπουργός της Ελλάδας Κωνσταντίνος Κανάρης υπήρξε ο προπάππους του παππού μου», αρχίζει την αφήγηση ο Θρασύβουλος Κανάρης ξετυλίγοντας το κουβάρι της οικογενειακής του ιστορίας και συνεχίζει: «Παρόλο που μιλάμε για πέντε γενεές πριν, κάποιες οικογενειακές παραδόσεις κληροδοτήθηκαν από τους παλαιότερους στους μεταγενέστερους: Για παράδειγμα, ανά δεύτερη γενιά όλα τα αγόρια είχαν τα ονόματα Θρασύβουλος (όπως ονόμαζε ο αγωνιστής τον γιο του, όνομα με το οποίο βαπτίστηκα και εγώ), αλλά και Απόστολος, που ήταν και ο προστάτης του ναυάρχου. Ολοι, δε, ασχολούνταν αλλά και λάτρευαν τη θάλασσα. Ο παππούς μου ήταν μηχανικός στα καράβια ενώ ο πατέρας μου πλοίαρχος σε κρουαζιερόπλοια».
Ο Θρασύβουλος Κανάρης από μικρή ηλικία έχει πλήρη συνείδηση του ιστορικού βάρους που φέρει το επώνυμό του. «Μεγάλωσα ακούγοντας από τους γονείς μου περιστατικά που αφορούσαν τον Κωνσταντίνο Κανάρη. Στο δημοτικό, ήξερα ότι ένα μέρος της Ιστορίας που μας δίδασκαν αφορούσε και τους προγόνους μου, αλλά δεν μου φαινόταν περίεργο. Περισσότερο περίεργο φαινόταν στους συμμαθητές μου. Τα κειμήλια άλλωστε που υπάρχουν στο σπίτι μας δεν μας επιτρέπουν να ξεχνούμε ότι προερχόμαστε από τον θρυλικό αγωνιστή. Οπως μια γκραβούρα που του προσφέρθηκε όταν έγινε για πρώτη φορά πρωθυπουργός της Ελλάδας. Στην εφηβεία μου ταξίδεψα στα Ψαρά με σκοπό να δω τα πατρογονικά εδάφη και να έρθω πιο κοντά στις ρίζες μας. Εκτοτε, όποτε συναντώ άγαλμα του Κωνσταντίνου Κανάρη δεν σας κρύβω ότι συγκινούμαι».

Για όλη τη συνέντευξη παρακαλώ κάντε Click Εδώ!

Παρασκευή 11 Απριλίου 2014

Ψηφίστηκε το Νομοσχέδιο "Τουριστικά Πλοία και Άλλες Διατάξεις". Το πλήρες κείμενο.

lefkas marina 2Ψηφίστηκε στη Βουλή το Νομοσχέδιο "Τουριστικά Πλοία και Άλλες Διατάξεις" μετά από τέσσερα ολόκληρα χρόνια, θητεία επτά υπουργών και υφυπουργών Ναυτιλίας και τέσσερα νομοσχέδια. Στόχος είναι το άνοιγμα της αγοράς με την προσέλκυση σκαφών στην Ελλάδα.

Για το πλήρες κείμενο του νομοσχεδίου κάντε κλικ εδώ!

Οι βασικές κατευθύνσεις του νέου νομοσχεδίου είναι:
    1. Δημιουργία πλαισίου για την προσέλκυση σκαφών στην Ελληνική Σημαία
    Ενίσχυση της ανταγωνιστικότητας της Ελληνικής Σημαίας
    3. Απλούστευση διαδικασιών και καταπολέμηση της γραφειοκρατίας
    4. Ενίσχυση του αναπτυξιακού χαρακτήρα του θαλάσσιου τουρισμού.
Παράλληλα, και μεταξύ άλλων, διασφαλίζεται η ελάχιστη ακτοπλοϊκή σύνδεση και διευρύνεται ο αριθμός των δικαιούχων ναυτικών και μελών των οικογενειών τους για επίδομα αναπηρίας. Τα σημαντικότερα σημεία του νομοσχεδίου είναι τα εξής:
Ευνοείται η επιχειρηματικότητα και ενισχύεται η ανταγωνιστικότητα
  • Καταργείται η «άδεια» των επαγγελματικών πλοίων αναψυχής.
  • Καταργείται η αποκλειστική χρήση του πλοίου αναψυχής, το οποίο μπορεί εφεξής να χρησιμοποιείται για εκπαιδευτικούς σκοπούς ή να συμμετέχει σε αγώνες.
  • Ελαστικοποιείται και προσαρμόζεται στις πραγματικές συνθήκες η υποχρέωση των επαγγελματικών πλοίων αναψυχής για εκτέλεση ελάχιστου αριθμού ναυλώσεων (μείωση αριθμού ημερών, εκπτώσεις λόγω ηλικίας πλοίου, δυνατότητα συμπλήρωσης ημερών μέσα στην επόμενη τριετία).
  • Εισάγεται νέα δυνατότητα παροπλισμού του επαγγελματικού πλοίου αναψυχής για τις περιπτώσεις που οι συνθήκες δεν ευνοούν τη ναύλωση ή την πώλησή του.
  • Επεκτείνεται, υπό προϋποθέσεις, το δικαίωμα εκναύλωσης πλοίων αναψυχής με μη κοινοτική σημαία. Στόχος η προσέλκυση των Mega yachts.
  • Συμπεριλαμβάνονται οι ναυτικοί πράκτορες στα πρόσωπα που μπορούν να διενεργούν ναυλώσεις.
  • Καταργείται η δυνατότητα καθορισμού με υπουργική απόφαση του κατώτατου ημερήσιου ναύλου των επαγγελματικών πλοίων αναψυχής.
  • Επεκτείνεται το δικαίωμα ναύλωσης χωρίς πλοίαρχο και πλήρωμα στα πλοία αναψυχής μήκους έως 24 μ., όπως συμβαίνει στις άλλες χώρες της Ε.Ε.
  • Διευκρινίζεται το ασφαλιστικό καθεστώς του κυβερνήτη που είναι εν ενεργεία ναυτικός ώστε να ασφαλίζεται μόνο στο ΝΑΤ (όχι διπλή ασφάλιση στον ΟΑΕΕ).
  • Απλοποιείται η διαδικασία για την παροχή δυνατότητας χρηματοδοτικής μίσθωσης για τα πλοία αναψυχής.
  • Παρέχεται η δυνατότητα εκναύλωσης σε πλοία με μεταφορική ικανότητα έως 99 επιβατών.
  • Διευκρινίζεται ρητά η μέθοδος μείωσης λόγω ηλικίας της φορολογητέας αξίας του πλοίου αναψυχής σε περιπτώσεις αυτοπαράδοσης και μεταβίβασης λόγω γονικής παροχής, δωρεάς ή θανάτου.
  • Αυξάνεται το χρονικό διάστημα μέσα στο οποίο η Ναυτιλιακή Εταιρεία Πλοίων Αναψυχής (ΝΕΠΑ) πρέπει να αποκτήσει την κυριότητα ή εκμετάλλευση επαγγελματικού πλοίου αναψυχής.
  • Κωδικοποιείται το καθεστώς των ημεροπλοίων και καταργούνται αναχρονιστικοί περιορισμοί (π.χ., απαγόρευση προσέγγισης σε όρμο ή ακτή όταν το ταξίδι ξεκινάει από λιμάνι).
  • Εισάγεται νέα δυνατότητα δραστηριοποίησης των ημεροπλοίων με συνδυασμό θαλάσσιου και χερσαίου ταξιδιού στο ίδιο τουριστικό πακέτο.
  • Διευρύνονται οι δυνατότητες περιήγησης με ημερόπλοια και παρέχεται δυνατότητα επέκτασης του χρόνου του ταξιδιού όταν στο ίδιο τουριστικό πακέτο συμπεριλαμβάνεται φιλοξενία στην ξηρά.
  • Εξομοιώνονται ως προς τα φαρικά τέλη οι ξένες σημαίες με την ελληνική ώστε η μείωση της κατά κεφαλήν χρέωσης να αποτελέσει κίνητρο για την αύξηση του αριθμού των επιβατών που αποεπιβιβάζονται (home porting).
Περιορίζεται η γραφειοκρατία
Με το νομοσχέδιο γίνεται προσπάθεια να μειωθεί ο γραφειοκρατικός μηχανισμός. Πιο συγκεκριμένα:
  • Εφαρμόζεται το ηλεκτρονικό μητρώο τουριστικών πλοίων και η ηλεκτρονική υποβολή ναυλοσυμφώνου.
  • Ελαχιστοποιούνται οι περιπτώσεις στις οποίες είναι υποχρεωτική η λήψη απόπλου και η δήλωση κατάπλου.
  • Περιορίζεται η υποχρέωση εκτέλεσης ελάχιστων ημερών ναύλωσης σε όσα επαγγελματικά πλοία αναψυχής έχουν απαλλαγεί από τον ΦΠΑ κατά την εισαγωγή τους.
  • Εισάγεται ρύθμιση για τα πλοία αναψυχής που κατάσχονται (μέχρι σήμερα, λόγω κενού στη νομοθεσία, απαιτείται γνωμοδότηση του νομικού συμβούλου).
  • Καταργείται η ερασιτεχνική άδεια αλιείας (ατομική και σκάφους). Αυτό έχει επιπλέον ως αποτέλεσμα την αποδέσμευση του προσωπικού του Λιμενικού Σώματος και της Ελληνικής Ακτοφυλακής από γραφειοκρατικές εργασίες.
  • Απλοποιείται η διαδικασία απομάκρυνσης εγκαταλελειμμένων πλοίων αναψυχής και ναυαγίων από τους τουριστικούς λιμένες.
  • Καταργούνται τα παράβολα των 0,88 ευρώ για: α) λήψη άδειας απόπλου και β) λήψη άδειας καθέλκυσης – ανέλκυσης.
  • Εξορθολογίζεται η διαδικασία διαγραφής πλοίου από το ελληνικό νηολόγιο.
  • Μειώνονται οι υπογραφές που απαιτούνται για την αδειοδότηση για των πλωτών εξεδρών που έχουν εποχιακή χρήση.
  • Καταργούνται αναχρονιστικές ρυθμίσεις και αναπροσαρμόζεται το πλαίσιο δραστηριοποίησης των πλοίων.
  • Καταργείται η απαγόρευση επιβίβασης σε επαγγελματικό πλοίο αναψυχής προσώπων που δεν είναι εξαρχής δηλωμένα στο ναυλοσύμφωνο.
  • Παρέχεται η δυνατότητα ιδιοχρησιμοποίησης του επαγγελματικού πλοίου αναψυχής όταν αυτό δεν εκτελεί ναυλώσεις.
  • Καταργείται η απαγόρευση εκναύλωσης των ιδιωτικών πλοίων αναψυχής.
  • Επικαιροποιούνται και εκλογικεύονται οι κυρώσεις σε περίπτωση παράβασης (π.χ., κατάργηση της ποινής φυλάκισης).
  • Εκλογικεύονται οι απαιτήσεις για τη διακυβέρνηση των σκαφών και πλωτών ναυπηγημάτων των υδατοκαλλιεργειών
  • Εκσυγχρονίζονται οι ελεγκτικές διαδικασίες (το μητρώο τουριστικών πλοίων και μικρών σκαφών θα διασυνδέεται με το TAXIS και το ISIS).
  • Συγχωνεύονται ο Οίκος Ναύτου και το Γραφείο Ευρέσεως Ναυτικής Εργασίας.
  • Διευρύνονται οι κατηγορίες πασχόντων ναυτικών και μελών της οικογένειας των ναυτικών που δικαιούνται επιδόματα αναπηρίας.
  • Θεσπίζεται διαδικασία για τη διασφάλιση ελάχιστης ακτοπλοϊκής σύνδεσης στην περίπτωση σοβαρής διαταραχής της συγκοινωνίας η οποία απειλεί το δημόσιο συμφέρον.
  • Παρέχεται η δυνατότητα πρόσβασης μελών οικογενειών οι οποίες ανήκουν σε ευπαθείς κοινωνικές ομάδες στο ναυτικό επάγγελμα (διευρύνονται οι ειδικές κατηγορίες προσώπων που εισάγονται «καθ’ υπέρβαση» στις Ακαδημίες Εμπορικού Ναυτικού).
  • Ενισχύεται η δυνατότητα φοίτησης στη Σχολή Δυτών Καλύμνου (κατ’ εξαίρεση εισαγωγή ατόμων μεγαλύτερης ηλικίας).
  • Ρυθμίζονται ζητήματα σχετικά με την κατάταξη και την προαγωγή των στελεχών των Λ.Σ. – ΕΛ.ΑΚΤ.
  • Ρυθμίζεται η ημερήσια αποζημίωση των στελεχών των Λ.Σ. – ΕΛ.ΑΚΤ. που υπηρετούν στα περιπολικά, ναυαγοσωστικά και αντιρρυπαντικά σκάφη, καθώς και τα οδοιπορικά έξοδα για μετακίνηση στο εξωτερικό ή το εσωτερικό.
  • Ρυθμίζονται οι αποδοχές του προσωπικού της Πλοηγικής Υπηρεσίας.

Δευτέρα 17 Μαρτίου 2014

Yacht Charter in Greece

Greece is the ultimate destination for Yachting Holidays due it’s countless unique characteristics like the  extensive coastline of 16.500 km, the 6.000 islands, the unique weather conditions, the amazing culture and history, the Mediterranean Cuisine and many more.
Yacht charter in Greece is a prime choice in the Mediterranean not only due  to  its profusion of islands but also for other reasons like.
Sailing conditions
One of the great things about Greece is that its waters offer a variety of sailing conditions, with steady, gentle breezes that are ideal for those seeking a quite and relaxing vacation and stronger winds that will challenge intermediate and advanced sailors.
Just as important as the sailing conditions is the weather, with reliable winds obviously essential. However, when you’re on a yachting break you’ll want to look forward to clear, sunny skies as well as good wind to take you where you need to go.
Greece has a long sailing season, with the destination typically busy from early April through to late November. Although the country and its islands do experience rain, they also get a lot of sunshine, which is one of many reasons why Greece is such a popular holiday destination.
You will have ample opportunities to soak up the sun on one of the many beautiful beaches you come across as you sail around the islands, or you can simply stretch out on the deck of your yacht and top up your tan while you’re cruising from one spot to the next.
The winter months are when the majority of the rain falls, and as many sailing centres don’t operate at this time of the year, it’s easy to avoid the worst of the weather and look forward to sunshine on your holiday.
Culture and history
While many people flock to Athens each year to see its famous monuments, there are many more cultural and historical sites to be discovered on Greece’s islands. Some of these, such as Corfu, have retained many of their heritage sites and have an interesting story to tell about the powers who used to control the region.
Corfu, for example, was ruled over by the Greeks, Byzantines, Venetians, French and British over the centuries, giving it a fascinating mix of architectural styles and cultures. In fact, the Ionian islands (of which Corfu is just one) were among the few parts of the Greek Empire that didn’t end up in the hands of the Ottomans, and so provide a wonderful insight into some of the other great historical powers.
Many of Greece’s other islands, including Ithaca, Hydra, Salamina, Kea, Anafi and Delos, have connections to Greek mythology that you can uncover during a sailing holiday - hearing these stories is a fantastic way to engage with the local culture and history.
Yachting Destinations
Greece can be divided into 5 main cruising areas.
·         The Saronic & Argolic Gulf & Peloponesse East Coast
·         The Cyklades Islands
·         The Dodekanese
·         The Sporades Islands
·         The Ionian Islands
Each area has distinct advantages to offer. Their common characteristic is that are unique and ideal for yachting. 

An Amazing Yachting Destination Near Athens

The Saronic Gulf & Argolic Gulf & Peloponesse east coast is the ideal destination for those who wish to explore the unparallel beauty of the Greek Islands but with sort cruising time and ideal calm weather conditions.
The new Athens international airport provides easy access to the charter bases which are located in the five numerous marinas which accommodate yachts ranging from sailing yachts to Luxury Mega Yachts. The area has calm waters, requires a little to some sailing competence / experience, offers all kinds of amenities , sightseeing and a good choice between secluded bays and quite coves to adventure, fun, night life and activities corresponding to the style of “organized tourism”.
 The islands situated in the Saronic Gulf southwest of Athens are among the most beautiful and interesting of all the Greek islands. They are favorites close to one another, usually within a two or three hour sail. Long stretches of sandy beaches, fragrant pine forest, and rocky capes against a backdrop of brilliant sunshine and crystal blue water provide an infinite variety of scenic beauty.
The cultures and people are as varied as the settings, luring visitors with pottery, sponges, pistachios, and almond cakes, which are available at shops and restaurants along the narrow, winding streets of the island towns. There are busy cosmopolitan islands as well as quiet unspoilt secluded islands. The seafood is deliciously fresh and the highlights of this itinerary are the schools of dolphins which will accompany you from island to island, jumping over the bow as you go!
1)    Aegina
It is a picturesque island located very close to Athens and therefore very popular among Athenians, especially for short trips, either by yachts or by ferries and flying dolphins. Many of them have their summer houses there and therefore you will see some impressive villas climbed in its hills. It has a quite traditional town (port) with neo-classical architecture, 2-3 picturesque fishing villages and important archaelogical sites. It has a descent touristic infrastructure and a variety of tavernas, clubs, bars, pastry shops, cafes, beach bars etc. Night life is not wild but visitors will find a few greek music and international music dancing clubs, mainly in the town. It has a few nice beaches but they are not among the best of Greece.

2)    Agistri
Agistri is a well kept diamond. It is a very small island with a marvelous natural landscape, lush pine woods and definitely the most exotic waters in the Saronic Gulf. It is located at only 20 n.m. from Piraeus (Athens main port) and 4 n.m. from Aegina. However it is not well known to most people, not even to Athenians.
Until the 80's Agistri was a rather isolated destination without any touristic infrasructure. It was popular only among free campers. Tourism has only recently been developped and that helped locals to stay in their island. Today Agistri has more than 1.000 local residents in the winter and more than 5.000 residents in the summer.
3)    Poros
Poros has a unique landscape and is one of the most popular yachting destinations. It located close to Athens and is divided by the mainland Peloponissos (Galatas) only by a narrow canal. It has a picturesque town which is also its port. It is usually preferred by Greeks (as a family destination) for a short trip and is not developed as a mass tourism destination. However it offers a good variety of options for accommodation, food and entertainment, as all Greek destinations. Many tavernas, cafes and bars are all over the town and the nearby settlement, Askeli. Night life is not wild but there are 1-2 nice dancing clubs in the town.
Poros attracts all yachters because it is the most "yacting friendly" island of Saronic Gulf. It is full of greenery and its pine trees come all along the emerald green sea. It has a few cozy beaches but they are usually crowded by yachters and bathers.

4)    Hydra
Hydra is one of the most charming and cosmopolitan islands in the Mediterranean. It  has an extremely picturesque traditional historic town, built amphitheatrically on the hills that surround its small graphic harbour. Hydra's town is the sole main settlement on the island. The three other settlements, Vlychos, Kaminia and Mandraki, are very small and are found on a short walking distance from the main town.
In the 50's a movie was shot on the island, starring Sophia Lauren, and ever since then it has become a popular destination among yachters and VIP's from all over the world. Some of them have also bought some wonderful houses there.
Hydra reflects a unique romantic atmosphere. Vehicles are not allowed on the island. The only transportation means are donkeys and sea-taxis. The strict rules for reserving the traditional architecture and the natural environment has kept away touristic development and expansion. Therefore the island offers only a few but good options for accomodation, food, entertainment and nightlife, if compared to other popular Greek destinations. However, it offers quite a large varitery of little shops selling all kinds of things, such as clothes, jewlery, accessories, artworks etc. A few small exclusive hotels have opened recently but most of the tourists are accomodated in the pensions, housed in traditional buidings.  
5)    Spetses
Spetses, an island boasting a long naval tradition, is famous for its significant contribution to the 1821 War of Independence. It was here that the revolution flag was raised on 3rd April 1821. The island has managed to retain its individual traditional character thanks to its well-preserved grand captain mansions, still bearing eloquent witness to the island’s glorious past. The picturesque old harbour and Dápia, a tourist and commercial centre where the heart of the island’s entertainment beats, are the trademarks of the town of Spetses.

An Amazing Yachting Destination

The Cyclades island complex is found in the Central, Eastern and Western Aegean Sea and has twenty four (24) inhabited and many more uninhabited islands of small or medium size.
The Cyclades islands are famous worldwide due to their:
  • Exceptional natural beauty, with the dry landscape having almost no vegetation
  • Thousands of amazing protected bays and beaches with golden sand and crystalline waters of all shades of blue, turquoise and green. Each island has on average forty to sixty wonderful beaches of different kinds (isolated, organized, small, large etc) to choose from. 
  • Impressive history of more than 13.000 years!: Numerous museums, monasteries, churches, very important archaeological sites (such as “Delos” near Mykonos and “Akrotiri” in Santorini etc) and some of the oldest settlements of mankind are found there
  • Unique architecture with little cubic whitewashed houses forming picturesque traditional villages
  • Numerous excellent dining and entertainment options. In almost every island visitors will find many stylish restaurants, traditional tavernas, cozy cafes and bars -usually open all day long- that will satisfy all different tastes.  
  • Delicious cuisine and local products, such as the famous wines, the “fava: and the tiny tomatoes of Santorini, various varieties of cheese  etc.  
  • Bright sun, shining almost all year round.
Mass tourism has no place in Cyclades, as all of them keep their authenticity and local character.
Cyclades, offer different types of islands that will excite all kinds of visitors. The ideal islands for those who love:
  • Cosmopolitan, world famous upper class islands, with numerous restaurants, beach bars and intense day and night life, are: Mykonos, Santorini and Paros.
  • Primitive islands, where life seems to be forgotten in the past, are: Koufonisi, Iraklia, Donousa, Shinousa, Kythnos, Sikinos, Anafi.
  • Traditional islands offering equally primitiveness and a satisfactory level of quality tourist and entertainment infrastructure, are: Folegandros, Amorgos, Milos, Ios, Sifnos, Serifos, Kea (Tzia), Antiparos.
  • Family destinations, with quite developed yet picturesque small capital Towns and a satisfactory level of tourist and entertainment infrastructure, are: Naxos, Andros, Syros, Tinos.
  • Unique volcanic landscapes with breathtaking natural beauty, are: Santorini, Milos, Kimolos, Polyegos (uninhabited).
  • Towns with impressive neo-classical mansions and European-style squares, accompanied with beautiful beaches, good tourist infrastructure and entertainment options, are: Syros and Andros.              

The Cyclades complex is extremely popular as a yachting destination, however it less “yachting friendly”, if compared to Ionio, Sporades, Dodecanese and Saronic Gulf, due to the “meltemi” winds. They are strong (6-7 BF) North winds that become stronger in the Central Aegean and transform to NW in the North Aegean and NE in the South Aegean. They prevail mainly during the end of July and August. 
Despite having inferior yachting infrastructure, compared to Ionio and Dodecanese, yachters will find satisfactory berth and other facilities at low or insignificant cost. There are quite enough berth places at the public ports or at the few small public marinas. Fuel and water are available in almost all islands, along with numerous protected bays with crystalline blue-green waters, ideal for anchoring. 
  • 20-30 days, would be the ideal charter duration for those wishing to visit most of the Cyclades islands, as each one has so many amazing experiences to offer.
  • 14-20 days would be enough to visit the most interesting islands and acquire a satisfactory taste of the area.
  • In 7 days, yachters will face the difficulty to choose only 4-8, among the 24 amazing islands, depending on their yachts speed, weather conditions and the time they want to spend sailing. The most popular 7 days charter itineraries (starting/ending Athens) are:
a)     Western Cyclades: Kea (Tzia), Kythnos, Serifos, Sifnos, Kimolos & Polyegos, Milos.
b)     Western, North & Central Cyclades. In this case yachters have to choose among: Kea, Kythnos, Syros, Andros, Tinos, Mykonos, Paros, Antiparos, Naxos.
c)     Western, Central & South Cyclades. In this case yachters have to choose among: Kea, Syros, Tinos, Mykonos, Paros, Antiparos, Naxos, Small Cyclades (Koufonisi, Iraklia, Shinousa), Ios, Folegandros, Amorgos, Santorini.

Discover the Most Amazing Spots of Cyclades, in the next pages.

KEA – Vourkari picturesque fishing village / port
KYTHNOS – Kolona amazing beach
KYTHNOS – Loutra bay & village
SERIFOS – Traditional Town “HORA” (on the hill – amazing views)
 SERIFOS- Golden Sand beach (east coast) & other east coast beaches
SERIFOS – Koutalas bay & Ganema beach
SERIFOS – 60 wonderful beaches
SIFNOS – Mideaval Castle Town with great views
SIFNOS – Traditional Town “HORA”
POLYEGOS – Uninhabited island with the most intense transparent blue transparent waters!
KIMOLOS – Prassa Exotic Beach (NE)
MILOS – Kleftiko  Simply Amazing place with caves & rocks in the sea
MILOS – Sarakiniko – “Moon-like” scape with beach (N)
MILOS – Papafragas  - Amazing Cave beach
MILOS – Firiplaka & Tsigrado beached (S)
MILOS – Fyropotamos  fishing village (N) with the SYRMATA and the transparent blue sea
MILOS - Traditional Town “HORA” with great views
FOLEGANDROS - Traditional Town “HORA” with great views and great places to eat & have  fun . Considered as the MOST  beautuful of Kyklades
FOLEGANDROS – Katergo beach with the transparent emerald sea

AMORGOS - Traditional Town “HORA” (one of the most beautiful) & Tholaria Traditional Village
AMORGOS – Hozoviotisa Monastery & the near by Agia Anna & Mourou beaches
ANDROS – 60 amazing beaches
ANDROS – Traditional Town “HORA”
ANDROS – Lakes – waterfalls – rivers
ANDROS – Traditional villages (Stenies – Apikia)
IOS - Traditional Town “HORA”
IOS – 50 amazing beaches (most of them isolated) – Maganari, Tripiti, Papa, Pikri Nero, 3 Klisies, Agia Theodoti are the best!
MYKONOS – The traditional Town “HORA” – Super Cosmopolitan & Chic
MYKONOS – 60 amazing beaches – trendy beach bars
MYKONOS – Rinia uninhabited islet with exotic beaches
NAXOS – 60 amazing exotic beaches
NAXOS – Picturesque old Castle Town (in the capital)
NAXOS – Apiranthos very picturesque village
PAROS – Naousa fishing village – One of the most picturesque ports
PAROS – Parikia Capital “Hora”
PAROS – Many nice beaches (Hrisi Akti, Kolybithres, Monastiri etc)
SYROS – Ermoupoli the Capital with the impressive mansions
TINOS – 50 very picturesque traditional villages
TINOS – 50 amazing beaches

Cyclades have a history of 13.000 yrs and one of the most important ancient civilizations (4 – 2.000 b.c.). Almost all islands offer more than one important archaeological sites & museums. Some of the most important Archaeological sites of the world are found in Cyclades, such as Delos (uninhabited island near Mykonos) and Akrotiri in Santorini.
The Cycladian islands have more than 1.500 AMAZING beaches, with crystalline blue-green waters, that will satisfy all tastes: Isolated that can only be reached by boat, vibrand and cosmopolitan, small, large etc.
All Cycladian islands have picturesque traditional villages. Their capital villages are named HORA.
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One of the Most Popular & Amazing Yachting Destinations of the World

Ionio Sea is found in Western Greece and has approximately thirty islands and islets of various sizes, among which thirteen are inhabited. The larger and more developed ones are: Corfu (Kerkyra), Kefalonia, Zakynthos, Lefkas, Ithaca (Ithaki) and Paxi.
IONIO is one of the most popular yachting destinations in the world and definitely the most “yachting-friendly” in Greece, due to the:
·         Unique beauty of its islands and its coasts of Western Greece, with lush vegetation, crystalline turquoise sea, beautiful bays and peninsulas.
·         Hundreds of amazing protected bays and beaches of all kinds (isolated, organized, small, large etc) with turquoise or emerald crystalline waters, that will satisfy even the most demanding visitor. Five among the most beautiful beaches in the world are found there: Navagio (Shipwreck) in Zakynthos, Porto Katsiki and Egremni in Lefkada, Myrtos in Kefallonia, Voutoumi in Antipaxi (near Paxi).
·         Large variety of destinations character and landscape:  Larger cosmopolitan islands with superior tourist infrastructure (Corfu, Kefallonia, Zakynthos), smaller, primitive or uninhabited islands, many towns and villages of various sizes and styles, very picturesque ports, rivers and many more.
·         Very good yachting infrastructure and facilities, in most of its destinations. In Ionio you will find many smaller or larger private organized marinas, with relatively low rates, compared to other European marinas, along with many safe public ports offering berth places and facilities at low or insignificant cost.
·         Many picturesque coastal settlements, offering shelter, berth places, facilities, cozy restaurants and cafes.
·         Numerous idyllic protected bays, with crystalline waters, offering safe anchorage for an unforgettable overnight stay.
·         Short distances between beautiful destinations, accessed through safe sea passages.
·         Numerous entertainment options: Stylish restaurants, tavernas, beach bars, cafes, clubs found in most destinations, that will satisfy all types of visitors. You can find everything in Ionio: Cozy eateries by the sea, awarded gourmet restaurants, traditional village tavernas in the mainland, international cuisine.
·         Delicious food and local products, such as good wines (Kefalonia, Lefkada, Zakynthos, Corfu), liquors, the famous salami of Lefkas, the famous koumkouat of Corfu (resembles to a tiny orange), olive oil etc.
·         Mild winds, calm sea and pleasant climate. Strong winds last only a few days during the summer and even then, you can enjoy some sailing and swimming inside the protected bay of Eastern Lefkas, with the small idyllic islands.
·         Important history and culture dating from the antiquity, many museums, archaeological sites, churches, monasteries and other attractions. Ithaca Island is the home town of Ulysse (Odysseas) and Corfu is the island of Feakes (both from Homeric Odyssea).
·         Different character and architecture, if compared to other Greek areas, due to the long-term rule by the Venetians, the French and the British and the short-term Ottoman rule (in contrary to the more than four hundred years, of the Ottoman rule on the most other Greek areas).  
Ionio, offers various kinds of islands and destinations, that will excite all kinds of visitors. Ideal for those who love:
  • Cosmopolitan destinations with developed towns or touristic beach resorts with many restaurants, bars and intense day and night life, are: Corfu Town, Corfu’s numerous beach resorts, Zakynthos Town, Zakynthos’ beach resorts, Argostoli Town (Kefallonia), Lefkas Town, Parga Town, Preveza Town.
  • Large islands, with developed cities, many tourist resorts, villages, yet with amazing beaches, endless beauties and many attractions, are: Corfu, Kefallonia, Zakynthos.
  • Medium sized islands, with amazing beaches and beauties, having an equal amount of authenticity and tourist development, is: Lefkas.
  • Primitive islands, where life seems to be forgotten in the past, are: Kalamos, Kastos, Erikousa, Othoni, Mathraki and Meganisi (which is being developed to a more touristic destination, recently).
  • Exceptionally beautiful destinations with amazing beaches, that keep their authenticity, while offering a satisfactory level of quality tourist and entertainment infrastructure, are: Paxi island, Ithaki island, Sivota (Thesprotia), Fiskardo (Kefallonia), Sivota (Lefkada), Vassiliki (Lefkada), Pylos Town (West Peloponese).

The BEST of IONIO, that one should not miss are:
1) PAXI island, for the:
- Breathtakingly turquoise Voutoumi beach (Antipaxi island)
- Magnificently picturesque ports of Gaios (capital & main port), Laka (with amazing turquoise sea) & Loggos, with the local architecture and the cozy restaurants and bars.
- The Blue Sea Caves (west coast) with the tiny beaches and the turquoise waters.
- Authentic character of this little island, maintaining its quality, its color and its local architecture.
- Islands’ tour for the turquoise sea and the impressive rocky formations.
and for many more.
2) LEFKAS Island, for the:
- Breathtaking beaches of the West Coast (Porto Katsiki, Egremni etc) and its numerous amazing coves and beaches of different types and sizes, all with crystalline turquoise waters.
- Sivota fishing village, located in an impressive fjord, with excellent tavernas and cozy cafes by the sea.
- Agios Nikitas: A very picturesque traditional coastal village (west coast) with nice tavernas and cafes.
- Nydri bay and the nearby little Islands (East) with the idyllic protected anchorages and the lush vegetation. Among others, there you will find Skorpios, the famous island of the world known Greek Tykoon, Aristotelis Onassis, which has been recently rented by the Russian Tykoon Ribolovlev.
- Pleasant so named coastal Capitan Town, with the characteristic colorful houses and the numerous restaurants, cafes and bars, ideal for those who want to enjoy nightlife, by the sea. 
- Beautiful private organized marina in the Capital Town of Lefkas.
- Nice mainland and coastal villages, with the traditional tavernas and cafes.
- Pleasant routes passing through pine forests, picturesque villages and offering nice sea views.
- Picturesque coastal resort of Vassiliki (South), with the small port and a wonderful beach, famous as a surf destination.
- Waterfalls on the hill above Nydri.
and for many more….

3)  KEFALONIA Island, for the: 
- World famous Fiskardo, a cosmopolitan yet very picturesque port attracting celebrities and impressive mega yachts. In Fiskardo one can find excellent restaurants and cafes by the sea along with idyllic coves at its north and south.
- The breathtaking beach of Myrtos (west) and the many more wonderful beaches with turquoise waters.
- Assos, a quiet but very picturesque coastal village with a nice small beach, a castle offering breathtaking views and a few tavernas and cafes.
- Argostoli, the pleasant coastal capital town which is ideal for those seeking an urban destination with many shops, restaurants, cafes and nightlife.    
- Cave lake Melissani, in the mainland.
- Skala, a charming coastal settlement, offering quality tourist infrastructure, a long beach and nice restaurants and cafes. 
- Numerous villages, resorts and towns, along with Mount Aenos (1.628 m, a protected nature park with a unique endemic kind of spurce), that one can visit by car or on foot.
and for many more…..

4)  ITHACA Island, for the:
- Unique natural beauty, the authentic character and the local architecture with the colorful houses, influenced by neoclassical and Italian style.
- Wonderful ports of Vathy (the beautiful small Capital Town, built in an amazing fjord), Kioni and Frikes, with charming houses built according to the local architecture and cozy tavernas and cafes.
- Amazing isolated Gidaki (east) & Afales (north) beaches, with the emerald waters
- Idyllic isolated anchorages and the tiny coves with beautiful beaches and crystalline waters. 
-  Stavros village on a hill up north, with traditional tavernas and cafes and the Perahori village on a hill above Vathy, with only a couple of tavernas, offering breathtaking views of Vathy fjord and the Ionian sea.  
- Important history, dating from antiquity, as it is the homeland of Homeric Ulysse (Odysseas).
and for many more…..

5) CORFU Island, for the:
- Wonderful Capital City (dating from the 8th century BC and inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage List) with its, mainly Venetian, architecture, its cosmopolitan character, its impressive main square (the second largest in the Balkans), its castles, its museums, its numerous chic restaurants and cafes, its various shopping options,  its nightlife and its numerous attractions.
- Picturesque coves of the Eastern Coasts, with the small charming settlements, offering a few restaurants and cafes.
- Paleokastritsa, the famous idyllic bays of the Northwestern Coast, with the emerald waters, developed to a very touristic resort.
- Numerous beautiful beaches of different sizes and styles
- The intense day and night life offered in the Capital Town, which becomes more intense in some, among the island’s numerous touristic beach resorts.
- Achillion, the famous palace of Princess Sissy of the Austrohungarian Empire.
- Important history and culture, dating from the antiquity and enriched by the long-term influence of the European rulers. Corfu is the Homeric island of Feakes.
- Gouvia Marina, a very large, beautiful and well organized private marina, at 7km from Corfu Town (East coast).
and for many more….

6) SIVOTA (Thesprotia Perfecture), for the:
- Amazing natural beauty of its tiny islets with idyllic protected anchorages and turquoise waters.
- Charming fishing village, developed recently to a quiet tourist resort with hotels, tavernas, cafes and several shops.
and for many more…..

7) KALAMOS Island, for the:
- Beautiful isolated emerald beaches (East) found at the end of a lush pine tree forest
- Little main port and capital village, with the few tavernas and cafes, where life seems to be forgotten in the past.  
- Porto Leone, a popular isolated safe anchorage with ruins of some old stone buildings and a church.
- Lush vegetation and primitiveness of the island
and for many more…..

8) ATOKOS uninhabited island, for its wonderful beaches with the turquoise waters and the impressive rock formations.

9) PARGA Town, for the:
- Natural beauty of its landscape, its architecture and its vibrant atmosphere, with the numerous restaurants and cafés.
- Wonderful beaches, found at a short distance by feet or by car.
- Aherondas river, the cleanest of Europe, found a few miles South of Parga.  Smaller boats can sail through this narrow beautiful river which in Greek Mythology was considered as the “door” to the world of deads. Close to its mouth, you will find a few tavernas and beautiful beaches.
and for many more…..

10) ZAKYNTHOS Island, for the:
- Breathtaking Navagio (Shipwreck) beach, one of the most beautiful in the word.
- Blue Sea Caves (NE), with the amazing turquoise waters 
- Marathonisi islet, in the large Laganas bay (S), where the Sea Turtle Caretta-Caretta is reproduced. In Laganas bay you will also find a vibrant but very touristic resort, along with some other quieter settlements, with restaurants and tavernas by the sea.
- Numerous wonderful beaches, with golden sand and crystalline waters.
- Small Idyllic fjord-like coves of the west coast.
- Pleasant Capital Town with a large square, numerous restaurants, cafes, shops and the beautiful suburb “Bohali” on the top of the hill, offering magnificent views.
- Charming traditional villages and nice tavernas with sea views, in the mainland.  
and for many more…..

11) PYLOS Town (Messinia, West Peloponese), for the:
- Authentic Character, with traditional houses, nice tavernas and cafes. A small marina is also found there.
- Beach of Voidokilia, one of the most beautiful in Greece, found in a small round cove with golden sand and crystalline turquoise waters, a few miles north of Pylos.
- Natural beauty of the area: The nearby Gialova Lagoon, the islet Sapienza, the nearby long sandy beaches etc.
- Important History: Pylos had a presence dating from the antiquity. However, it became world known for the “Sea Battle of Navarino” that took place there, which defined the success of the revolution of the Greeks and their European allies against the Ottoman Empire’s four hundred years’ occupation.
- Nearby picturesque coastal village of Methoni (SW Peloponese) with the wonderful castle and the few tavernas on its sandy beach.     

12) OTHONI, MATHRAKI, ERIKOUSA Islands, for the:
- Amazing White Sand beach in Othoni, with the turquoise waters
- Primitiveness and authenticity they offer, as they are remote (located at the SW end of Greece), having very few inhabitants, only a few places to eat and limited tourist – not to mention about yachting- facilities. 

  • 20-30 days, would be the ideal charter duration for those wishing to enjoy adequately of the numerous exiting destinations of Ionio.
  • 14-20 days would be enough to visit the most interesting destinations and acquire a satisfactory taste of the area.
  • In 7 days, depending on the yacht’s speed and the time one wants to spend sailing, you can have a good taste of the area, but you will miss many wonderful destinations. The most popular 7 days charter itineraries (starting/ending Lefkas) are:
d)     South & North of Lefkas:  Paxi-Antipaxi, Sivota (Thesprotia), Lefkas islands (Meganisi, Skorpios etc), Sivota (S of Lefkas), Ithaca (Vathy & Kioni), Fiskardo (Kefallonia)
e)     South of Lefkas: Lefkas (south bays), Lefkas islands (Meganisi, Skorpios etc), Ithaca (Vathy & Kioni), Fiskardo (Kefallonia), Zakynthos.
f)       Lefkas & the close islands:  Lefkas (south bays), Lefkas islands (Meganisi, Skorpios etc), Ithaca (Vathy & Kioni), Fiskardo (Kefallonia), Atokos, Kalamos.
g)     North of Lefkas: Lefkas islands (Meganisi, Skorpios etc), Paxi-Antipaxi, Corfu, Sivota (Thesprotia) & Parga.


The Sporades islands placed in the Northwest side of the Aegean Sea is the sailing area that offers much beauty and an incredible number of wonderful beaches within a limited (is)land extend. The Sporades (their actual name is Northern Sporades) is not the ideal place to check archaeological sites but it is among the very few islands where yachts anchor in a bay and the charterers in the boat’s cockpit enjoy the natural shade of the pine trees running down to the water. The charter base that “serves” the Sporades is in the marina of Skiathos island.
 Beautiful white sandy beaches, unspoiled anchorages, ancient ruins and abundant sea life, will offer you a sense of exploration and independence. So, let the beauty of the islands, forests, beaches, villages, churches and castles take you on a journey back in time. Skiathos airport, is an ideal starting point, for a journey to explore the Sporades and the coast of northern Greece.
The best of the Sporades Islands are:
1)      Skiathos

Skiáthos is the most cosmopolitan island in the Northern Sporades, is truly a paradise on earth, with lush pine forests and crystal-clear azure waters. Despite the rapid growth in tourism here in recent decades, it the island is still picturesque and unspoilt and blessed with more than 60 beautifully clean beaches. The most famous is Koukounariés, which has been declared the third most beautiful beach in the Mediterranean. When you add in its bustling nightlife, it is only natural that the island attracts thousands of young visitors every year!

2)      Skopelos

Eye-catching landscapes; azure waters on golden coasts; traditional Pelion architecture; rugged natural monuments and a pure island atmosphere are all essential elements of the image of this, the greenest island in Greece, more than half of whose territory is covered with virgin pine forest. The island enjoyed international acclaim when Hollywood producers chose it to shoot the famous movie “Mamma Mia”, establishing the island as a holiday destination for tourists from all over the world.

3)      Alonisos

Blessed with rugged natural landscapes, and surrounded by small islands scattered around the archipelagos, Alónissos is an island ideal for those you want to unwind and enjoy leisure walks surrounded by pine forests, olive groves and orchards. The island is the most remote of the Northern Sporades island group, and plays host to the National Marine Park of Northern Sporades, a refuge for rare seabirds, dolphins and the Mediterranean monk seal, monachus monachus.

“Íkos”, as was named the island in antiquity, was first inhabited by Stafylos (meaning grape), the son of Dionysus and Ariadne. This myth explains the island’s strong bonds with viticulture from ancient times until today. Urns bearing the stamp “IKION” were exported all around the ancient world confirming the island’s great fame as excellent wine-producing region. According to the myth, Pileas, the father of Achilles, was buried on Alónissos. This is the reason why the island’s second name is “Achilliodromia”. Different versions of this name have survived throughout the years: “Hiliodromia”, “Liadromia”, “Diadromia”.


The Dodecanese islands are in their bigger part (Kos and Rhodos islands excepted) bare of vegetation although not to such extend as the Cyclades. The Dodecanese islands located at the Southeastern end of Greece are the warmest Greek sailing destination - good to visit even in early April or late October and November. The charter bases are set in the nice new marina of Kos island and in the old harbor of Mandraki in Rhodos. The prevailing winds are blowing from NW and they are less strong than in the open Aegean Sea.
 In spring and September winds are “traditionally” calmer from Southeast. The “character” of the islands is influenced partly from the Venetians and a lot by the Knights of St John and the middle Ages, though visually and culturally the Dodecanese remains purely Greek.
 The Dodecanese are located East of the Cyclades, West of the coast of Asia Minor, and North-East of Crete. It is an enchanted world, where the sun paints pictures and gives life. The mild winters and refreshing summers give the Dodecanese one of the healthiest climates in the Mediterranean. The islands of the Dodecanese are engaged in a beauty contest with no clear winner.

 These islands are a sailor's paradise of more than 163 islands and islets. You will find on each island uncounted beautiful beaches and bays that you should not miss. However the must see islands are:
1)      Rhodes
Rhodes is the capital of the Dodecanese, an island which is ideal not only for those who want to relax but also for those looking for an action-packed holiday! With its bright green hills, rich green valleys and uninterrupted line of golden beaches, Rhodes is truly a blessed place. Add in the excellent facilities for tourism, the island’s special blend of cosmopolitan and traditional, and numerous cultural and archaeological sites and you’ve got the perfect holiday destination.

2)      Kos
The endless coasts with the turquoise waters, the vegetation, the affluent water springs, the ancient and medieval monuments, as well as the impressive Italian buildings feature Kos island; the third largest island of Dodecanese complex, located just 4 miles away from the Turkish coasts. The name «Kos» probably derives from the daughter of the mythical King Meropas, called Koos.

Kos is the birthplace of Hippocrates «the father of medicine» (460-377 B.C) and was already inhabited during Neolithic Period  (5th - 4th millennium B.C). The Knights of St. John conquered the island during the 14th century, reinforcing the older castles and building new fortifications.  During Ottoman occupation, the island was attacked by several intruders (Knights, Venetians etc), while during Italian occupation (1912-1945) some really important, monumental public buildings were constructed.  The island was officially united with Greece in 1948. It extends over a surface of 290 km2; its coastline is 112 km and counts 31,000 inhabitants.

It can be reached by ferry from Piraeus Port or by airplane from the Athens International Airport, «Eleftherios Venizelos».

3)      Nisyros
Nisyros is one of the most beautiful Aegean islands, still untouched by the tourism growth. It is part of the Dodecanese group of islands, situated between Kos and Tilos. The island extends over a surface of 41 km and its coastline is 28 km long. It can be reached by ferry from Piraeus, Kos and Rhodes.

According to mythology, it was created from the Battle of Giants, during the war between Gods and Giants. Poseidon chased the Giant Polyvotis down to Kos, cut a part of it and threw it to his enemy, sinking him forever in the bottom of the Aegean Sea. The legendary rock is the modern Nisyros and it is said that the volcano’s explosions are the angry breathing of the defeated Giant. These explosions shaped the island, which is considered to be the youngest volcanic centre in Greece, still active – along with the volcanoes of Milos, Santorini and Methana. During antiquity the island thrived on obsidian commerce, extracted by the inhabitants of Nisyros, from the nearby island, Gyali.

4)      Symi
Symi is a cosmopolitan island, where one of the prettiest and largest neoclassical towns of the country has been developed.  It has rich, mythological tradition, since it has been firstly inhabited during the prehistoric age. The king Nireas took part in the Trojan War and became a legend. The inhabitants devoted themselves to sponge-fishing and ship-building, activities which provided decrees (firmans) of favorable treatment on behalf of the Sultan, during Turkish occupation (since 1522). It was at that time when the School of Aghia Marina and the Anagnostirio Aigli (Reading-Room) have been founded. The island reached its peak during 19th century, when it counted 25,000 inhabitants. In 1945, the delivery of Dodecanese to the Allies was signed on the island of Symi. Symi was officially united with Greece in 1948. It can be reached by ferry from Rhodes’ port. The island extends over a surface of 58 km2, its coastline is 85 km long and it has 2,500 inhabitants.

5)      Kalymnos, the island of the sea- sponge harvesters

Climbing up giant vertical rocks; diving in a sea bottom where centuries- old ship wrecks lie; enchanting caves; wonderful beaches und picturesque island settlements. This is Kalymnos: a destination offering more than you can imagine!

Welcome to Kalymnos, the island of the sea-sponge harvesters! The fourth largest island of the Dodecanese Group is widely known as an international sponge-harvesting trade center. After WW II, Kalymnos remained the only Greek island engaged in the sea sponge-harvesting activity, supplying domestic as well as foreign markets. Thanks to its unique geomorphology, Kalymnos is a tourist destination known worldwide for offering alternative vacations and activities such as climbing, scuba diving, mountain hiking and spelunking, a true paradise for passionate action-lovers!

Hóra and settlements

The capital of Kalymnos is the port-town of Pothia, a colourful island settlement spreading amphitheatrically over the foot and slopes of two hills and the valley between them. Pothia boasts remarkable architectural features; in its narrow streets, stand next to one another impressive old mansions (among them stands out the Vouvalis Mansion, the house of a prominent sea sponge merchant and benefactor of the island), elegant captain houses and modest one-storey sponge-harvesters’ houses. Each neighborhood has its own church but the most impressive ones are considered to be those of 1861 Sotiras Christos (Christ Saviour), with a silver dome and a marble iconostasis (icon screen) crafted by the eminent Greek sculptor Giannoulis Chalepas and Agios Nikolaos church. Outstanding buildings such as the Town Hall and the Prefecture Hall boasting a beautiful italianate architecture reveal the long presence of Italian conquerors on the island.

6)      Patmos
Worldwide known as a sacred island for it is the place where Saint John wrote the Book of Revelation, Patmos is an ideal destination for nature lovers thanks to its lace-like coastline, sheer cliffs and volcanic soil.

Designated as “Holy Island” by the Greek Parliament in 1981 as well as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1999, Patmos had been used as a place of exile by the Romans on account of its steep morphology. That’s how St. John found safe refuge here in the 1st century A.D., exiled by the Emperor Domitian.

Types of Charter Yachts
Motor Yachts
There are two types of motor yachts: a displacement motor yacht gives smooth and quiet cruising when you want to take your time between ports. When you would rather spend time at anchor, a planning motor yacht will get you to your chosen destinations as fast as possible.
Sailing Yachts
A sailing yacht moves smoothly and almost silently through the water, with an exhilarating response to the wind.
Motor Sailers
A motor sailer gives you the best of both worlds, with a more spacious interior, more open-air deck area and larger engines for cruising under power, than the sailing yachts.

Yacht Charter Procedures
Choose your cruising ground - Greek Islands - Croatia - Turkey - Caribbean etc.

Choose the duration and start date of your charter
Choose the type of yacht (motor yacht, sailing yacht, motor sailer)
Considering availability and the number of guests you wish to invite, select a specific yacht in your chosen class.
When you are ready to confirm the charter, a Charter Agreement (HYBA or MYBA) will be sent to you with a request for a deposit to secure the booking. The Charter Agreement defines the terms and conditions, obligations and rights of each party. Before your charter you will be sent a detailed questionnaire about your preferences in food and drink and any special dietary requirements, your flight details, celebrations and anniversaries that will take place during your charter, your voyage itinerary, and any requests for other land services such as car rental, private jet transfers, hotel reservations, guided tours, etc. The charter fee includes the hire and insurance of the yacht and the allocation of qualified crew.

It does not include V.A.T., provisioning, fuel charges for the yacht and tenders, electronic communications, canal fees, harbour dues, local taxes and marina fees outside Greek waters, or private marinas within Greece. The Advance Provisioning Allowance (APA) is designed to cover these expenses. Depending on the number of guests, type of yacht and duration of charter, this is between 25% and 30% of the total charter fee. The captain will hold receipts for all expenses, and prepare accounts for final settlement at the end of the charter. If embarkation and/or disembarkation takes place away from the yacht's home port, delivery/return fees and expenses will be charged. Crew gratuities are not obligatory, but are usually 5% to 15% of the total charter fee, upon the clients' complete discretion, depending on service and satisfaction.